Can Solar Panels and Batteries on a Home Protect from a Blackout?

Can Solar Panels and Batteries on a Home Protect from a Blackout?

In February, many Texas homeowners went without electricity for 4 or more days as they tried to keep their homes warm during unprecedented single-digit temperatures. The prepared homeowners with solar panels and batteries had toasty homes and electricity during the blackout. These homes were able to be a warming center for other families who needed a break from the chill temperatures of their own spaces.

What Causes a Blackout?

A blackout is caused when people are trying to use more electricity than the power grid can provide. A lot of times, this can happen when there is a heatwave in the summer. Every home cranks up its air conditioners, and the system is overloaded and shuts down.

The same goes for the winter. When there is a freeze, the requirement for electricity increases. The problem with these blackouts is they happen when people need power the most. If there were a way to offset the surge of electricity need, the blackouts would be avoided.

Small Changes

When a power company sees a surge in electricity use coming, they may ask you to preserve as much as you can:

  • Turn off the lights
  • Unplug non-essential electrical appliances
  • Set the temperature on your heating/cooling system to use less power

These small changes can help a little bit. But when the demand exceeds what the system can provide, a blackout is inevitable.

When a home has solar panels and batteries, that is one less home that the power company has to supply with electricity. Your home can help. And if you combine that with dozens of homes and then hundreds as solar panels continue to rise in popularity, blackouts can become obsolete.

New Day Solar Can Help

If you are looking to protect your household from a blackout while contributing help to the power systems, you can contact our team at New Day Solar. We can set up a free consultation and answer any questions you might have regarding battery storage and how to keep power in your house during the next blackout. Call us today at (855) 444-6329.

New Day Solar

Posted by New Day Solar
4 years ago / April 6, 2021

At New Day Solar, we are committed to improving the world we live in, as well as helping our community create brighter tomorrows!

With the expertise that New Day Solar provides, as well as the federal tax credits and rebates available, solar electricity is beneficial to everyone. Not only will you help conserve our environment, but you can save some money too! Solar electricity is not just a luxury, but also an investment for your home and country. Electricity is only going to get more expensive, but with help from New Day Solar, you can harness the sun’s energy and use it to your advantage.

Filed Under: Solar Energy System

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