Is It Normal to Receive an Electric Bill After A Solar Installation?

Has having solar installed at your home been one of your home improvement goals? As you have researched your options and learned more about the value of solar, you might have questions about what to expect after the installation is complete. Our experienced team at New Day Solar is here to answer your questions and help you choose the right products and services to meet your energy needs.

Lowering Your Energy Bills with Solar Power

It feels good to know that a residential solar installation can be an effective way to lower your energy bills. Not only will you save money on your long-term utility costs or even eliminate your electric bill, but you are also proactive in protecting our beautiful planet.

What should you expect when the first few energy bills come through after the system is installed? Many homeowners mistakenly think that they will no longer receive an electricity bill when they have solar installed. In some cases, a small amount needs to be paid if the solar panels didn’t produce enough energy to cover your electricity usage. In other situations, the utility company might owe you money if more electricity was generated than what you used in your home.

Energy Bills: What to Expect

You will still receive a monthly statement/bill, showing the amount of energy that has been credited to your account, as well as the amount of energy consumed in your home. You will also have to pay a fee just to be hooked up to the utility company’s lines.  Typically, that fee is between $5.00 and $20.00 per month.

Keep in mind that solar panels can’t generate energy when there is no sun exposure. When you are using electricity at night or on a stormy day, then your home will be pulling energy from the grid. On the other hand, your utlility account is credited when the sun is out and you are not using all of the electricity that is produced by your solar system. This is called Net-Metering.

Also, remember that you will still have utility bills to pay for gas, if you have natural gas for heaters, dryers, ovens, etc…in your home

Install Solar Panels to Save Money

If you have questions about solar power for your home, then our team is always just a phone call away. We’re here to help you create the best solar system for your family’s energy needs. For more information, call New Day Solar for a no-obligation quote at: (855) 444-6329 or visit online at We’ve been installing solar systems for 32 years and will always give you honest answers to your solar questions.

New Day Solar

Posted by New Day Solar
5 years ago / October 15, 2019

At New Day Solar, we are committed to improving the world we live in, as well as helping our community create brighter tomorrows!

With the expertise that New Day Solar provides, as well as the federal tax credits and rebates available, solar electricity is beneficial to everyone. Not only will you help conserve our environment, but you can save some money too! Solar electricity is not just a luxury, but also an investment for your home and country. Electricity is only going to get more expensive, but with help from New Day Solar, you can harness the sun’s energy and use it to your advantage.

Filed Under: Energy Saving Tips

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